

Forex Gold Trading in Dubai

  • Feb 09, 2023

Trading in Dubai has stepped onto diverse levels with the onset of new traders in the lane. Earlier when UAE used to be a hub for international trade, it was predominantly the commodities that were traded here. However, now, the new-age traders are venturing into Forex Gold Trading in Dubai and generating wealth like no other time. Due to the heavy traffic of gold imported and sold in the retail market, it was even known as the city of gold. In fact, around 30% of the worldwide market share of gold is sold in Dubai and nearly 1200 tonnes of gold is trading in gold souks of Dubai. Henceforth, trading in gold has got the great scope in Dubai.

Even though there are 3 different gold contracts in the Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange, a majority of the precious metal is traded on an over-the-counter (OTC basis). Furthermore, on the future price fluctuations of the gold market, gold trading and investment are two distinct methods of speculating. A trader could be benefitted when the price of gold increases. It would be an added advantage whilst investing in gold, as you will be obtaining ownership of this asset. Rather than owning the precious metal, a trader is taking a position on the underlying price rise or drop.

A range of gold assets are traded or invested in Dubai, of late. It could be gold futures, gold bullion, gold ETFs, spot gold or gold stocks. Once you have decided what sort of gold you are planning to trade or invest in, next you need to analyse which factor impacts the price of gold. However, it will not be just limited to supply and demand theory, but more than that. Forex Gold Trading in Dubai can be done more efficiently when you have got a basic idea of the market and can analyse the price fluctuations of gold. Unlike gold, forex cannot be traded through exchanges. With the evolution of cutting-edge technology, you will be able to trade in the forex market using your smartphones or computers. All of your transactions will be conducted online.

One advantage of forex trading is that if you are a UAE resident, you will be excused from paying taxes on your winnings. It has become one of the most preferred modes of trading for the new-age investors of the UAE. However, you have to find a reliable trading platform such as the one offered by WealthWay Fx to do your forex trading. All your buying and selling of currencies could be done safely through our trading platform. For this, you do not have to be an expert to use the trading platform smoothly. Even beginners can make their transactions for forex trading with WealthWay Fx. The platform's trading features, such as a currency converter and FX calculator, would help clients through their trades. Experienced traders will guide you through all of the challenging phases of Forex trading in the UAE. Our skilled professional account managers will manage your trading account and portfolio, attempting to limit the risks involved with FX trading.

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